Climate Dictionary

The lifestyle of indigenous people is inherently low-carbon and emphasizes a balance between humans and the natural world. Their traditional practices ha...
Achieving net zero emissions requires balancing the carbon dioxide emissions from human activities with efforts to remove those emissions, such as creati...
Carbon markets are trading systems where carbon is quantified in "carbon credits" that can be bought and sold. Companies or individuals can use carbon ma...
Green jobs are dignified employment opportunities that contribute to the protection and restoration of the environment and address climate change issues....
Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, causing global warming and climate change. The main greenhouse gases emitted by human activi...
Forests provide immense benefits by removing carbon dioxide and pollution from the atmosphere, preventing soil erosion, filtering water, and serving as h...
Carbon sink is anything that absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases. Forests, wetlands, oceans, and soil are the largest carbon sinks i...
Climate justice means placing equality and human rights at the center of decision-making and actions regarding climate change. One aspect of climate jus...
A tipping point is a threshold beyond which certain changes caused by climate change become irreversible. These changes can result in abrupt and hazardou...
Adaptation refers to activities that help reduce vulnerability to current or expected impacts of climate change. Examples of adaptation include planting...
The world's oceans—their temperature, chemical composition, currents, and life—drive global systems that make Earth habitable for humans. Our rainfall, d...
The carbon footprint is a measure of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere by a specific individual, organization, product, or activity. ...
Carbon removal is the process of taking greenhouse gas emissions out of the atmosphere through actions such as tree planting or capturing and storing car...
We are currently using more of the Earth's natural resources than is available to sustain the current level of human consumption. Estimates show that if ...
Climate finance refers to the financial resources allocated to projects, initiatives, and programs specifically aimed at mitigating and adapting to clima...
According to the Paris Agreement, countries are expected to take necessary measures to limit global warming to 1.5°C. However, even the best-case scenari...
Climate security refers to the ability of communities, regions, or the world to protect themselves from current and future adverse impacts of climate cha...
Decarbonization means reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that society produces and increasing the absorption of these gases. This involves c...
Mitigation refers to all activities undertaken by governments, companies, and individuals with the goal of reducing, storing, or preventing greenhouse ga...
With the growing public pressure to address the climate crisis, private companies are joining the transition towards a global low-carbon economy. However...
Regenerative agriculture is a farming approach that nurtures and restores soil health, reduces water usage, prevents soil degradation, and promotes biodi...
Renewable energy is energy obtained from natural sources that are constantly replenished, such as wind, sunlight, flowing water, and geothermal energy. U...
Resilience is the ability of a community or environment to anticipate and manage hazardous climate events, recover, and transform after a shock, with min...
The climate crisis refers to serious problems caused or likely to be caused by climate change on the planet. Since the 1800s, the Earth's average tempera...
Global warming is the increase in Earth's average surface temperature that occurs when the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere rises. The...
Weather refers to atmospheric conditions at a specific moment and location, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, wind, and visibil...

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